Significant Related-Party Transactions
No. | Company (related-party’s name)/Related-party’s full name | Related-party | Transaction’s date and significant value | Additional information*** |
1. | Graś and Co., LP | Maksymilian Graś, a member of the related party’s Board of Directors, limited partner | Based on Agreement of May 25, 2021: Remuneration as the product of the worked hours and an hourly rate of net 300 PLN not exceeding net 80,000 PLN | The Agreement’s subject matter is a written limited liability contract for shares issuance by Graś and Co. for the Company’s desire of issuing the F, G, and H Series common shares according to the regulations set by the WSE. This contract is a necessary action to fulfill the Company’s goal of the stock issuance in a regulated market. This decision is also based on the significant interest of the shareholders, including the minor shareholders, in order to improve their stock trading. Upon the public offer of proper stock issuance set by the Company, the Graś and Co. firm was chosen as the most suited partners, including their competitive financial offer. |
2. | Bartosz Graś | Bartosz Graś is the Issuer’s co-partner | Bases on Agreement of February 11, 2022: transaction value of 100,000 PLN | The Agreement’s subject matter is a loan given by Bartosz Graś to the Issuer. The loan’s interest rate is based on WIBOR 3M + additional 2 percentage points, standard interest rate conditions according to “Safe Harbour.” The loan serves to increase the working capital of the Company and to cover its current operating costs. This loan will result in stronger and more effective corporate operations of the Issuer. |
* Significant transaction: A transaction between a public company and a related party, whose value exceeds 5% of total assets according to Accounting Law (Ustawa o rachunkowości.)
** Related party: A related party according to MSR 24.
*** Additional information: Necessary information for the judgement of a significant transaction and its ties to the market values and company’s shareholders, including the minor shareholders, unrelated with any business entities.