Subject: Submitting an application to the National Depository for Securities to register securities in the depository
Legal basis: Art. 17 section 1 MAR – confidential information
ManyDev Studio SE with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”), with reference to current reports No. 45/2024, No. 47/2024 and 48/2024, hereby informs that on 19 September 2024 it was deposited in the National Depository Papierów Wartościowych S.A., application for registration in the depository of J series ordinary bearer shares in the number of 6,000,000 issued by the Company pursuant to Resolution No. 3 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company of July 22, 2024.
The application was submitted in connection with the implementation of the obligation to dematerialize shares resulting from the Act of August 30, 2019 amending the Act – Commercial Companies Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws Laws item 1798, as amended_.
The Company’s Management Board requested the registration of the shares covered by the application under a new ISIN code.